Changes to Denton Park
Closes 26 March 2018
This consultation is to broadly gauge issues with the conversion of some recreational usage to a library, sports centre and community centre.
It seeks input from those who live in the area or would use facilities sought.
Spokes Canterbury strongly urges that adequate, expandable, secure cycle parking and end of trip facilities are included as part of all recreational facilities. Enabling people to cycle is part of the transport culture change Council seeks.
To be ‘adequate’, we advise at least 40 bike parking facilities, preferably of the ‘hoop’ design whereby two bikes can lock up on either side (20 hoops), and a number of smaller pieces of ‘furniture’ to which tricycles and scooters can be locked.
By ‘secure’ we mean that the hardware should not only be robust, but placed in an area that is open to public surveillance from the street and from the facility. Public surveillance is a major deterrence to theft and crime generally.
By ‘expandable’, we mean that there should be room to add more equally secure hardware should demand require it.
By ‘end of trip facilities’ we suggest a water fountain, a bike-repair station, showers and lockers.