Hi: This could be the easiest sub you ever make, and one of the most important.
Go to https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/consultations-and-submissions/haveyoursay/show/125 and fill out the form. What to say?
Tell Council:
• Why cycling is important to you
• How it helps you to get around
• How much you like the new Major Cycle Routes and want them now, not years later, now
• Let them know about the challenges you face as a person on a bicycle on our roads, or as a person who would like to bike
• Share your story
• If you like Spoke’s submission, let them know you support it
• Feel free to make any other points you want to
Now what may be the hard bit, ask to make an oral submission. This is really important. Councillors need to see that the support is widespread. You don’t have to be a gifted public speaker, you don’t have to fill the whole 5 minutes. You can just get up, share what you wish to and that’s it. Done. A written sub just might not get read, an oral sub is right there.
Cycling in Christchurch may well become safer and more enjoyable and you can take credit for your part in making it so.
Do ask your family and friends to also make submissions.
O’ if you want you can read what Spokes has posted, check out all the documents and get into this as much as you want. But please don’t let it stop you from making a submission. You can always submit twice, once quick and easy, once more in depth.
Some other quick points:
• Finish the Coastal Pathway to Sumner
• Build the local Cycle Network to connect us all Now
• Don’t let comprise lead to cycle infrastructure people don’t use
You have until Friday 13 April to make our city a bit better.
You might want to do something similar for the ECan LTP by 26 March at https://www.ecan.govt.nz/your-region/plans-strategies-and-bylaws/long-term-plans/