Closes 4.6.18 This is the second opportunity to submit on the mess to be made of Cranford Street. Please share your thoughts with Council. Seeking to make it easier to commute by car from north of Chch NZTA built the ‘Northern Corridor’. This ‘upgrades’ Cranford Street to move the congestion on Main N Road […]
CCC CNC Cranford Street
Duelling Consultations Closes tomorrow, Friday 18.5.18 In preparing a submission on Council’s Cranford Street Changes Spokes has stumbled upon another consultation on the project being conducted by the Christchurch Northern Corridor Alliance(CNC). This one closes tomorrow, 18 May. It seems it was initiated in response to business and resident concerns over loss of on street […]
CCC Red Cliff’s Village and Monck’s Spur
This is due in on Monday 7 May Cycle parking is grossly inadequate. Cycle infrastructure is minimal and substandard. This one needs to go back for a full redraft. Spokes is glad to read that lower speeds in the village will be implemented. A 30 km/h limit will make for a safer and more […]