Due 2 March (only 11 days allowed for consultation)
With all the plans up for consultation it has been a challenge. Apologies for the short notice and please do make a submission.
It is great to hear that the Board advocates for a functioning traffic network supporting connected communities. Too much of the Board’s area lacks good local cycle networks or the MCR’s for them to connect to. Connected communities need transport mode equity and road safety leaving people feeling safe in choosing the mode which best suits their needs, be it walking, cycling, busing, driving or another mode. This further supports the Boards priority to limit social isolation for youth and the elderly.
Thank you for recognizing that the DEMP plan has not met resident’s concerns or even the Board’s priority of engaging with the community on local transport issues. Also appreciated is the priority to make needed improvements to the Northern cycle line.
In support of local residents Spokes reiterated their concerns and solutions in regards to the DEMP in our submission. This excerpt provides the Board with a list of priorities to ameliorate some of DEMP’s impacts:
• Build local cycle networks in the north east from Cranford St to the coast
• Create a major north south cycle priority route to serve the north east
• Create more cycle access points along the N Motorway Ext cycle way
• Redirect the $15 million of funding to ECan to increase the frequency and number of buses which can move commuters from their cars to the bus.
• Make bus lanes on the Northern Arterial permanent 24/7
• Make Manchester at Bealey Ave open to buses only
• Create Park & Pedal lots and Park and Ride lots north of the city and on the outskirts
• Remove free all day on street parking within one kilometer of the city centre
• Reinstate the free central city shuttles
• Work with other entities to reinstate passenger rail
Spokes thanks the Board for prioritizing active and public transport and urges support for the suggestions made above in support of those priorities.