Submitted 31/May/2021
Spokes Canterbury is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling
as an everyday form of transport in the greater Christchurch area.
We would like the opportunity to appear at any public hearing that is held to consider submissions on these projects. Should there be an officer’s report or similar document(s) we would appreciate a copy(s).
If you require further information or there are matters requiring clarification, please contact our Submissions Convenor (and Secretary), Chris Abbott in the first instance. His contact details are:
Address: 101B Nayland Street, Christchurch 8081
Phone: 021 654 344
Some overarching observations about the present situation:
1. Halswell Road and Lincoln Road (which includes a section of SH75) are important cycling commuter routes to the central city, but currently cater only for “confident” cyclists. These cyclists are primarily men. Similarly and at a more local scale, cycling access to both Ngā Puna Wai and Hillmorton High School is very much limited to “confident” (hence male) cyclists.
2. Separated facilities (such as Quarrymans Trail or the Southern Motorway Cycle Path) are better at catering for “interested but concerned” potential cyclists, who aren’t too keen on mixing it with buses. Furthermore, full separation is needed to cater for the family groups often seen on City Council’s Major Cycle Routes.
3. Riding the SH75 route is presently intimidating due to the proximity of cars, so anything that increases the separation of bikes from cars should improve the gender balance of people cycling this route.

Particular comments relating to the proposal:
1. A separate bus lane the full length of SH75 from Dunbars Road to Curletts Road
a. We strongly support this option, as it will provide some space for people on bikes away from the main car lane.
b. As such, the proposed lane will facilitate cycling for people travelling to and from Halswell.
2. Footpaths / shared paths
a. We strongly support the new shared paths planned for the Dunbars Road – Augustine Drive section.
i. Having shared paths (as opposed to bikes travelling in the bus lane) in this section will facilitate Halswell families to use active travel when accessing Ngā Puna Wai.
3. Cycleway provision
a. We support the proposed shared path section from Dunbars Road – Augustine Drive, because it will provide an off-road option for people travelling within Halswell.
b. Furthermore, both Quarrymans Trail and the Southern Motorway Cycle Path are a long way away from people living in Oaklands, Aidanfield, Hillmorton and Hoon Hay.
Residents from these areas who want to bike need convenient access to separated cycling facilities.
c. Given that Hillmorton High School is the designated high school for Halswell (and Ministry of Education has ruled out a separate high school for Halswell), we would like to see an off-road option provided all the way to Tankerville Road. The success of offroad cycling options for the likes of CGHS and CBHS suggests that this will be well used.
d. As part of the project, we would like to see the shared paths extended along SH75 beyond Dunbars Road to link with City Council’s Quarrymans Trail, to provide an active transport option for east and southeast Halswell people to get to Nga Puna Wai as well as accessing Hillmorton High School.

(Quarrymans Trail, Sparks Road)
4. Speed limit
a. Speeding vehicles are really intimidating (and dangerous) for people on bikes. For this reason, we think it really important that the 80 km/h section between Dunbars Road – Augustine Drive is removed.
5. Detailed design points
a. Cyclist priority at T-intersections: Cyclists travelling toward Halswell at Dunbars Road and at Rowley Avenue, or toward the city at Warren Crescent need to be allowed to go through the signalised intersection (i.e. don’t have to stop on red light) unless the pedestrian crossing light is activated. No reason buses need to stop either.
b. Free left turns: There are presently major issues with drivers turning left onto SH75 at Dunbars Road and Aidanfield Drive not giving way to cyclists. The free left turn option for these intersections should therefore be removed.
c. At Curletts Road, the present proposal tosses people on bikes in with the cars.
Either: Carry the PT lane right through the intersection,
Or: provide a straight through bike lane and an advance stop-box marked with green paint.
d. In the city-bound direction, the PT lane needs to start right from the lights at Dunbars Road and extend right to Augustine Drive. The same applies in the Halswell direction from Hoon Hay Road and approaching Aidanfield Drive and Dunbars Road.
e. Finally, green paint needs to applied in the cycle lanes approaching Augustine Drive.