(Re: https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/486)
Fri 4/03/2022 11:00 a.m.
Hi Hannah and CCC team
As discussed here is our late but acceptable submission in terms of timeliness.
On balance Spokes really likes this set of changes and is excited to see these changes and further changes mooted for Worcester St per https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/488.
For cyclists Worcester St offers a calm low-traffic route from Linwood and the seaside suburbs east of the Ferrymead Bridge (amongst other suburbs).
Worcester Street can be accessed directly from Linwood Ave, and for those approaching from the seaside suburbs east of the Ferrymead Bridge, there is a three-way choice at Hargood Street / Linwood Avenue intersection of:
- Linwood Ave central bike path,
- Cycle lanes – on both sides of Linwood Ave and
- Linwood Drain
And there are two ways to cross Ensors Rd:
- On the road with cycle lanes and signals provided at the major Linwood Ave / Buckleys Rd / Ensors Rd intersection. This route is really suitable for the Strong and Fearless, and for the Enthused and Confident.
- (from the east) Into Linwood Park and onto the Rapanui (Shag Rock) Cycleway and onto a signalised crossing across Ensors Rd and onto the quiet cycle lanes through to Worcester Street. This offers a route for the Interested but Concerned -and the Strong and Fearless, and for the Enthused and Confident.
And these routes connect smoothly and safely with the new (in 2022) cycleway through Charlesworth Reserve.
Thank you.
The stated key features include:
- “A speed limit reduction to 30kph, with ‘Linwood Village’ signage at the entry points.
- “Raised crossing platforms at the intersections of Hereford and Worcester Streets and a paved crossing at Gloucester Street – all including tactile paving
- “A raised, paved courtesy crossing (6m long) between Hereford and Worcester Street intersections
- “New bus shelters at both Bus Stops with raised kerbs to make it more accessible for those entering and exiting buses
- “1.8m wide on-street cycle lanes in both directions and 12 new cycle stands
- “Traffic lanes at least 3.2m wide
- “Parking restrictions south of Gloucester Street changed from P30 to P10 to increase parking turnover
- “27 new trees on both sides of Stanmore Road and 3 in the central island of the Hereford Street roundabout, along with landscaping along the rest of the area
- “Revised northbound lane arrow marking towards Gloucester Street to improve traffic flow”
Features 1,2,3 and 5 will really help with cyclist safety.
Questions and Comments:
- It is hard to discern on the plan the cycle lanes stated in the key features. In future consultations can you please make cycle lanes clearer?
- Where on the plan are the cycle stands – new and any existing please?
- Please include a NS direction arrow on all future plans produced by CCC.
- Can you please direct me to accident stats for this area, including the apparently dangerous roundabout at Hereford/Stanmore, and also please advise any plans to make this intersection safer?
- Is there a carpark outside 73-75 Stanmore Rd, despite a lack of labelling on the plan?
- Is there a way to improve cyclist safety at the bus stops outside 97 Stanmore Rd and to the hill-side of 76 Stanmore Rd, Linwood Bible Chapel. At the bus stops it appears that cyclists must deviate into the main traffic flow if buses are present. Is this correct?
- Trees in the central island of the Hereford Street roundabout can only increase the risk of cyclists not being seen. We ask that instead of trees, low flower beds or grass be installed in the centre of this roundabout.
- Three weeks consultation (9th February 2022 – 2nd March 2022) period is too short for us – and other organised groups – to digest, research, consult internally and submit. Our group meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month and this consultation period for this change gave us no opportunity to discuss it at one of our scheduled meetings. On the basis of fairness and democracy we ask that there be a minimum six-week period for consultation in future.
Kind Regards, Chris Abbott
Secretary, Spokes Canterbury
Cell: 021 654 344
NB Hannah Ballantyne is CCC’s Engagement Advisor for this project