Glandovey Road
• Supports the removal of “car parking” on the shoulder to improve visibility at intersections and to allow room for the installation of cycle lanes in both directions. Spokes understands that there is a low utilisation of car parking, visually this is what we have seen when travelling this section of road as well.
• Supports the installation of pedestrian refuge islands and speed cushions. The placement in ‘Detail 1’ and ‘Detail 2’ is better than indicated on Sheet 1.
• Would like to see more Speed Limit reminders along Glandovey Road.
• Supports the Stop signs at the Glandovey Road intersections with Bryndwr Road and Garreg Road.
• Would like confirmation that the width of Cycle Lanes meets the minimum requirements under the guidelines.
• Strongly urges the installation of Flexi-posts on left-hand bends outside #12-14 and #66-68 Glandovey Road to prevent drivers encroaching into the cycle lane.
• The installation of Flexi-posts to prevent drivers trying to avoid the speed cushions and using the cycle lane (outside #39 & #40, #59 & #66, and #83 & #96 Glandovey Road). Experience has shown us this is a behaviour that is very likely to happen.
• The installation of Flexi-posts alongside the cycle lanes on all approaches/exits at the Idris/Glandovey intersection to prevent drivers driving in the cycle lanes.
• Supports the hook turn boxes at Glandovey/Idris intersection. Please maintain the existing green surfacing on all approaches/exits too, please.
• Support additional trees being planted to help visually narrow the road space, incentivizing
slower speeds.
• The existing speed humps at Bryndwr/Glandovey and Garreg/Glandovey often result in drivers stopping too far into Glandovey Road – i.e. vehicles would be over the limit line of the proposed stop signs and over top of the cycle lane. Please review the placement of these speed humps to increase cyclist and pedestrian safety. A raised crossing that drivers wait
behind (i.e. north of the intersection) would be nice to prioritise pedestrians and give drivers more time to spot cyclists. Alternatively, are these speed humps still required with the new layout and speed limits?
• The cycle lane marking should continue from #19-#25 Glandovey Road (this appears to be missing on the diagram).
• See #65 Glandovey – there is a car park right where the cycle lane “kinks” out from the edge of the road. It is likely in a place like that, drivers could drive close to the cycle lane because
of the “kink”, if there is a car parked there it could be a mini-pinch point. Please remove the carparking space here.
• Please install an advanced stop box for the right turn from Fendalton Road into Glandovey Road.
• Also, to use the crossing a cyclist would need to ride up on to the footpath (from the driveway beforehand). Only small I know, common with many intersections, but is also strictly speaking illegal to cycle on the footpath. Because the vehicle traffic is pushed back a bit there is more space than it looks on the diagram to turn onto the footpath at the lights.
• Please maintain the green paint on the cycle lane on Fendalton Road that continues straight through (SE) past Glandovey Road.
• Support the extension of the centre barrier on Fendalton Road and Glandovey Road intersection as this will discourage larger trucks from using this road when the road is too narrow for them to safely share with cyclists. At the moment it is common to see trucks having difficulty negotiating this turn due to their size. Note that truck drivers appear to not
read the existing sign on Fendalton Road (at the Waiwetu St Corner) before the left turn into Glandovey Road stating they should use Idris Road and not Glandovey Road. Hopefully the
new signs are more obvious.
Idris Road
• Supports the removal of “car parking” on the shoulder to instead install cycle lanes in both directions, make bus stops longer, and improving sight-lines.
• Supports the installation of pedestrian refuge islands and speed cushions.
• Support the installation of Stop signs at the intersections of Idris Road with Wroxton and Stratford Terraces and the intersection of Idris and Snowdon Roads.
• Please consider reducing the speed limit on Idris Road to 40 km/h.
• Would like to see the installation of Flexi-posts on left-hand bends to prevent driver encroaching into cycle lanes (e.g. outside #43-45 and #20-#28 Idris Rd).
• Please remove parking space from outside #34-#40 Idris as this prevents line of sight and puts cyclists at risk of not being spotted or squished.
• Please confirm the width of Cycle Lanes meets the minimum requirements under the guidelines.
• Please install Flexi-posts alongside the cycle lanes at all approaches and exits at the Idris/Fendalton Roads intersection, to prevent drivers encroaching into the cycle lanes.
• Supports the hook turn boxes at Idris/Fendalton/Straven intersection.
• The location of the pedestrian refuge island near Wroxton Tce is a concern and needs further work to make it safer. A lot of drivers turn left from Idris into either Wroxton or Stratford.
It’s hard to know where the best place to put the crossing is until we know what’s happening with the bus stops. Spokes has a number of suggestions to consider:
o A slower speed would definitely make this safer
o Should the refuge be moved to behind the bus stop, alongside Stratford, i.e. after the two left turns. Is the bus stop currently outside #25 being relocated to outside #39
o Can Stratford Terrace be made a cul-de-sac or left turn only, then the crossing could go outside #33?