Shirley Intersection Improvements
Submission from Spokes Canterbury
Reference: https://letstalk.ccc.govt.nz/safer-shirley
Tēnā koutou katoa
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Shirley Intersection Improvements.
Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 followers. Spokes is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport in the greater Christchurch and Canterbury areas. Spokes has a long history of advocacy in this space including writing submissions, presenting to councils, and working collaboratively with others in the active transport space. We focus on the need for safe cycling for those aged 8 to 80.
Shirley / Marshlands / New Brighton / North Parade Intersection
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this intersection, this is a great improvement.
- Supports raised safe speed platforms on all approaches as these slow speeds making it safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Supports the removal of the slip lane for vehicles on the North West corner into Marshlands Road. Slip lanes are always problematic for cyclists going straight ahead with vehicles crowding cyclists and cutting in front of them. Around 50% of vehicles turning into Marshlands Road are speeding up to beat the traffic rather than slowing down properly to give way. You can see this is a problem corner from the large safety fence to protect pedestrians. Vehicles are not properly looking for pedestrians, or for cyclists coming straight through and safety fence is to a degree blocking sight of other traffic.
- Recommends a cycle path using some of the current slip lane space to allow less confident cyclists to avoid the intersection
- Supports the restriction of the right turn into the Palms from New Brighton Road as this simplifies the intersection making it safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
- A cycle lane should be added on the North side of Shirley Road, or at least sharrows added, for confident cyclists.
- Recommends a shared path on the North side of Shirley Road for the least confident cyclists (with appropriate green paint across the entrance to the petrol station and KFC)
- Supports the improvement of the corners for pedestrians
- Support the addition of bus lane which cyclists can also use.
- Supports the removal of the right turning cycle lane on North Parade as the road was too narrow for it and using the turning box is a better option for less confident cyclists. The forward waiting box should be extended across the right hand turn lane.
- Recommends a shared path on the Shirley/North Parade side to keep less confident cyclists out of the intersection. In practice children bike from Shirley Intermediate on the shared footpath down North Parade, turn left into Shirley Road still on the footpath and join the cycle lane on the road just after the bus stop. This section of Shirley Road should also be designated a shared space. The bus stop is already marked red as pedestrian priority.
Shirley Road, Hills Road, Warrington St Intersection
There is a lot to like in the proposed changes to the Shirley / Hills Road / Warrington St intersection as they will make the intersection significantly safer.
- Supports raised safe speed platforms on all approaches as these slow vehicle speeds making it safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Prefers to have a cycle only slip lane to Hills Road. Slip lanes are always problematic for cyclists going straight ahead with vehicles crowding cyclists and cutting in front of them. The raised platform will help on the corner itself but the problems occur further back, particularly with cars also turning into the shopping parking area.
- The left turn from Hills Road to Shirley Road is weird. How do people unfamiliar to the area know to turn here as there is no left turn option at the intersection? Better signage on Hills Road would help.
- Good to see the pedestrian crossing in the side street and the narrowing to reduce speed. This pedestrian crossing should be a shared cycle/pedestrian crossing.
- The entrance to Shirley Road should be squared off further so it is closer to a 90 degree T-intersection to make sure vehicles look for cyclists going east down Shirley Road. Support the stop sign.
- Another option for the connection between Hills and Shirley Road is to narrow the road, remove the parking (there appears to be space off street), create a shared space for cars and pedestrians to mingle together and a bigger pocket park with more trees.
I would like the opportunity to present to the Community Board on this submission and I am happy to discuss or clarify any issues that arise.
Anne Scott
Submissions Co-ordinator
Spokes Canterbury