Duelling Consultations
Closes tomorrow, Friday 18.5.18
In preparing a submission on Council’s Cranford Street Changes Spokes has stumbled upon another consultation on the project being conducted by the Christchurch Northern Corridor Alliance(CNC). This one closes tomorrow, 18 May. It seems it was initiated in response to business and resident concerns over loss of on street parking. A post box drop was done but nothing on line.
The consultation documents focus primarily on how the project will impact motorists. Cycle infrastructure is unclear, hence difficult to assess. An off road connection to the Rutland Reserve and the Papanui Parallel MCR is a few lines on one page with no details. Apparently it will be built at some future date if demand dictates and CCC has the money.
Informed submissions are not really possible as so little clear information is provided. Alternatively it is likely best to simply comment:
• As a road user who uses Cranford Street between Belfast and Innes Roads I object to the Christchurch Northern Corridor Alliance(CNC) limiting publication and notice of this consultation.
• Cycle infrastructure is not presented clearly or with detail or delivery times.
• Due to lack of notice and no on line information I ask that the deadline be extended and full information be put up on line.
Provide your name, address, email, phone, organizational affiliation, if any.
Email to ann.campbell@ccc.govt.nz