As submitted on 16/8/21 by Chris Abbott, Spokes Canterbury’s secretary and submissions convenor.
Tennyson Street serves many purposes – in order of approximate decreasing vulnerability it is used by:
– pedestrians including children of all ages and the elderly
– cyclists
– motorised vehicles of all sizes from Motorcycles and mopeds thru cars thru SUVs thru commercial vehicles…
Spokes submits that because of its many users and uses, Tennyson Street should be designed to be safe for all users, especially those who are most vulnerable (and also least able to speak for themselves) ie the young and the old.
Traffic must be calmed – a 40kph (or even 30kph) speed limit seems more than warranted.
We are in agreement with the submission of Meg Christie in general and in particular regarding that cyclists on the pink path yield to those on foot crossing Tennyson at any new crossing(s).
We are also in agreement with the submission of Simon Kingham, a noted expert in the transport sector, as both a University academic and Chief Science Advisor to the Ministry of Transport.
It is wonderful that CCC are assessing traffic safety on Tennyson Street.
We ask that CCC:
– listen to the experts and local residents and us representing much of the cycling community and
– implement a safer solution ie
– 40kph limit
– three raised pedestrian-priority crossings (none in the currently proposed location)
This is something that can and should be done now, rather than doing nothing and further risking injury or worse.