Tēnā koutou katoa Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Reshaping Streets. Introduction Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) – is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 followers. Spokes is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport in the greater […]
Waterloo Road Safety Improvements
Ref: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/439 Introduction “Spokes” – Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) – is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 followers. Spokes is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport in the greater Christchurch and Canterbury areas. We would like the opportunity […]
Northcote Road and Lydia Street Transport Improvements
Ref: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/528 Introduction “Spokes” – Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) – is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 followers and is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport in the greater Christchurch and Canterbury areas. We would like the opportunity […]
SH1 Rolleston Flyover – NZTA
Spokes Submission on Plans for the Flyover to be Constructed in Rolleston. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/sh1-rolleston/tell-us-what-you-think/ Submitted on 22/7/22 by email to rollestonflyover@nzta.govt.nz Spokes Canterbury (Inc.) Introduction Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling […]
Waimakariri District Council – Walking And Cycling Network Plan Feedback 30June2022
WALKING AND CYCLING NETWORK PLAN FEEDBACK FORM Submission from Spokes Canterbury 30/6/22 https://letstalk.waimakariri.govt.nz/walking-and-cycling-network-plan Greetings, Waimakariri District Council This is a submission from Spokes Canterbury, submitted by email to the nominated officer, Allie Mace-Cochrane at allie.mace-cochrane@wmk.govt.nz . Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the national […]
Ashburton District Council Play, Active Recreation and Sport Strategy
Spokes Canterbury (Inc.) Oral Submission on the Draft Ashburton District Council Play, Active Recreation and Sport Strategy. As presented by video conference by our Chair, Don Babe on 8 June 2022 Good morning Mayor, Councillors and Staff. Spokes written submission was centred around the transport to and from particularly organised play, active recreation and […]
Centaurus Road roundabout – pedestrian safety improvements
Notes: 1. Formatting on this web page does not exactly match the submitted email – but the wording and intent are the same. 2. Sam Sharland is CCC’s Engagement Advisor for this change. Kind regards, Chris Abbott. https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/510 From: secretary@spokes.org.nz <secretary@spokes.org.nz> Sent: Friday, 3 June 2022 12:22 p.m. To: Sam Sharland (samantha.sharland@ccc.govt.nz) <samantha.sharland@ccc.govt.nz> Subject: Centaurus […]
Ashburton District Council – Play, Active Recreation and Sport (PARS) Strategy Consultation
The attached PDF contains the bulk of the submission, as submitted to Ashburton District Council before 1159am on 20/5/2022 by Chris Abbott for Spokes Canterbury. Draft Play, Active Recreation and Sport (PARS) Strategy – Spokes submission (part 1 of 2) The specific details not captured from the submission follow: Ashburton District Council Draft Play, Active Recreation […]
Selwyn District Council (Draft) Annual Plan 2022/23
Reference: https://yoursay.selwyn.govt.nz/annualplan22 Thank you for the opportunity to make comments about the proposed annual plan. The four projects that are being specifically consulted on have very little to do with biking so no preference is declared. However, it has been observed that the Trices Road Plan Change has been approved and the Lincoln Plan Change […]
Spokes AGM. Thursday May 26th 6.00pm. St Albans Community Centre / Kohinga
Spokes 2022 AGM will be held at Albans Community Centre – Kohinga 1049 Colombo Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand Car and Bike Parking at 126 Caledonian Road Kohinga is most easily accessed from Colombo St, and is approximately 100m south of Colombo St in Edgeware Village Please watch this space as previous minutes and agenda […]