Once again it is time for our AGM. This year it will be held at the Pegasus Arms, 14 Oxford Terrace (near Christchurch Hospital). The Pegasus Arms is also easily accessed from Tuam Street between Antigua & Montreal Street, closer to Antigua Street end. Emily Cambridge, a Landscape Architect working in the area of Active […]
Together we Cycle – DUTCH FILM FESTIVAL 29 APRIL & 2 MAY 2021 Celebrating Dutch Culture
Together we cycle Against all odds, the Dutch kept cycling. In this documentary, people tell the story of navigating a bumpy road which ultimately led to a place where cycling is an obvious choice for most. Opening night screening: Lumiere Cinema, Rolleston Ave, Arts Centre, Christchurch 29 April @ 7.30pm. Drinks & nibbles from 6.30pm.
Spokes submission to CCC Long Term Plan 2021-31
Ref: CCC 2021-31 Long Term Plan https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/consultations-and-submissions/haveyoursay/show/386 Open for feedback: 12th March 2021 – 18th April 2021. Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport […]