Te Kaha Surrounding Streets Submission from Spokes Canterbury Reference: https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/549 Tēnā koutou katoa Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Te Kaha Surrounding Streets improvements. These changes are essential to ensure that users of the stadium have a great experience from day one and it is also an opportunity to improve day-to-day […]
Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2024-2034
St Peter’s School Crossing Improvements Submission from Spokes Canterbury Q1 – Overall, have we got the balance right? No Not enough investment in cycle infrastructure, particularly in the next three years. Cycling has health, wellbeing and climate benefits. It also has the best return on investment. Not enough investment in transport safety. The central city […]
Spokes Annual General Meeting and Constitution Changes 2024
Hi to all Spokes members, This is a blog post explaining the proposed upcoming changes to the Spokes Canterbury Cycling Advocacy constitution required due to the Incorporated Society Act 2022 which came into force in 2023. While we still are under the 1908 act, and there is no need to change until 2026, the […]
Antigua Street cycle improvements (CCC – 487)
Ref: https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/487 Introduction Spokes Canterbury (http://www.spokes.org.nz/) is a local cycling advocacy group with approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the national Cycling Action Network (CAN – https://can.org.nz/). Spokes is dedicated to including cycling as an everyday form of transport in the greater Christchurch area. We would like the opportunity to appear at any public […]
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