cycle in traffic

CCC Waitai/Coastal-Burwood draft CB Plan 2020-2022 due 24.2

Link All encouraged to share their thoughts, but residents of the east impacted the most. This is not a formal submission process. The Community Board has put forth their priorities and need to hear that cycling needs to be included and prioritized. Draft sub from Spokes Draft Sub Thank you for opening up plans […]

bus on bike

Linwood Public Transport Hub due 4.12 Council has again designed a “Kill Zone” for people on bicycles. Buckleys Road by the Eastgate Mall to feature deadly design.   Council needs to prioritize completing safe local cycle networks to support the Major Cycle Routes and to give all who would like to cycle the chance to do so and live. Please, make […]

Bikes and watercraft

CCC Naval Point Lyttelton

CCC Naval Point Sub  Lyttelton Due 28.7 Submission from Spokes Canterbury Rate payers need some indication of the eventual total cost. How much more than $10.65 million will be required? We are offered 2 options with no indication of what the final overall costs might be. It is understood that there are many variables […]

A cyclist was spat at after being nearly run off the road in central Christchurch last week. (Kirk Hargreaves)

CCC Victoria Street

Spokes-CCC Victoria St Sub Due in 27 May Victoria Street is a designated cycle route. This plan offers unsafe infrastructure to preserve on street parking. Your submission is needed. Use your own words, tell your stories of cycling hard up against parked cars while squeezed in by cars. Draft Submission Public Sentiment and City […]

urban traffic

CCC CNC DEMP Northern Arterial

Subs due 15 April link With millions already spent to create car dependency and gridlock it will take lots of submissions to stop this madness. Help out the neighbourhoods in the north east of Christchurch while also working for better cycling infrastructure. Even a simple sub stating non support and asking for public and […]

on st car parks

CCC Annual Plan 2019

CCC Annual Plan     Due 1 April Please make a sub Now. Even a short sub counts and Spoke’s sub is counted as one by Council. Link The link provides links to both the summary and complete draft Long Term Plans. Spokes supports Council’s moving forward the completion dates of Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s. Spokes […]

CCC MCR S Express 19 Map

CCC MCR Southern Express

This is a large much needed project. The first parts are covered here with the last sections leading to Hagley park to come. Link to Council Have Your Say Due in by 1 April Overview The first take on it is that is more complicated than required. A quiet streets sharrows approach would work […]

cycle in traffic

CCC Memorial Greers

The corner of Memorial Ave and Greers Road to be made more ‘efficient’. The Orbiter and motorists are inconvenienced by people on bikes and all those kids going to school on foot. The solution? Remove the cycle lane, narrow the footpath. (See Spokes FB page posting for Council diagram and letter in 21.2.19 post) Memorial […]


CCC Old Redcliffs School Park

CCC Old Redcliff’s School            due 17.12.18 What a great park design with sports fields, impressive playground and a new community hall. Just perfect, if this were 1985. Council has made numerous statements in support of cycling. Yet these plans and the Redcliff’s Transport Project fail to provide for, or even mention cycling. Plans show […]

Pedestrian Crossing

CCC Redcliffs Transport

Redcliffs Transport Project due 17.12.18 Main Road offers cycle lanes and Beachville Road is part of the Coastal Pathway. Both should feature prominently in this “transport project”. Neither are mentioned or depicted. With no provisions for cycling infrastructure indicated it would seem that Council has simply opted for parents driving children to school. Main […]